Our Sustainable Coffee Mission

Coffee Sourcing, Roasting and Selling for a Larger Purpose

A Little Bit About Us

We love good coffee and are convinced Javataza has some of the best coffee in the world. Our passion to constantly improve our quality standards and coffee offerings has been a hallmark of the company from the beginning. In other words, coffee is very important to us. We are a coffee company after all.

But Javataza Coffee Company exists for much more than just selling good quality coffee. There are plenty of coffee companies who can and are selling quality, fresh coffee. Our coffee, by itself, is not what makes us unique. It is the “Why” behind the coffee that sets us apart: a vision for improving the world through a sustainable coffee company.

Our Mission and Vision Statement

Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord; rejoicing in hope; instant in prayer; distributing to the necessity of saints; (Romans 12:11-12)
Javataza Coffee Company exists to support and model sustainable business practices in the coffee industry that reflect the Christian ethic of service, excellence, and generosity.

In an effort to fulfill this mission we are committed to:

1. Caring for our coffee farmers through a direct sourcing model that provides generous and consistent pricing

2. Providing premium coffee to our customers through rigorous quality control from farm to cup, professional, small-batch roasting, and constant product innovation

3. Growing our customer base in order to be able to offer a sustainable income to more family-owned coffee farms around the world

How Did We Develop This Passion?

Historically, the coffee industry has been a cutthroat world in which coffee farmers have borne the brunt of unethical business practices that are used by importers and suppliers. Two of Javataza´s owners grew up in Costa Rica. With a background in raising coffee we were keenly aware of the challenges involved in growing and marketing coffee. This awareness bred in us a passion to develop sustainable coffee growing and exporting practices that would allow coffee farmers to earn a good living for their family and grow coffee with pleasure and pride.

Read Our Full Story

What We Do

Javataza is NOT another charity organization looking for free handouts for the growers. Rather it employs a value-added business model to create sustainable coffee farming practices for the growers. Our focus has primarily been on purchasing coffee from farmers in and around Anabaptist communities throughout Guatemala, Honduras and Costa Rica. With employees who live in Central America, we have a close, working relationship with all of our coffee farmers. We are committed to viewing the growers as friends and business people who deserve to be treated with dignity.

Join the Coffee Family

When you drink Javataza Coffee you are joining an honorable cause that provides a sustainable income to families in Central America. As a bonus, you get to enjoy a world-class cup of fresh, sustainably-sourced coffee.

We take pride in the fact that we have developed a system at Javataza that gives our coffee farmers a higher return for their efforts. You can join in this pride every time you purchase a bag of Javataza coffee.


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